CMSP Trail Dogs in Action

The CMSP Trail Dogs have been actively working on Park trails to repair damage by recent rains and prevent further damage.

Coyote Run rework of switchback
Blackmer Trail Dog crew
Zook Loop after several rains before repair
Zook Loop after repair.
Zook Loop corridor clearing – July 7, 2023

We have new “Trail Dogs”-Congratulations

Trail Dogs,

Congratulations to another sixteen recruits who, of their own accord, took the Trail Maintenance Training Course today,
and have graduated with honors.

The 2014 class consists of:
Steve Johnson
Mike McCorkle
Karen Littrell
Bill Kane
Diane Kane
Steve Mitchell
Eric Dragoo       
Jared LaValle
Pat Looney
Carl Wooten
Greg Nelson
Judith Stassen
Bill Robertson
Gloria Robertson
Nate Clough
Mike Lundy
Erika Dragoo(photog)

trails: update

The Trail Dogs of Cheyenne Mountain State Park have been very active throughout the spring and summer. Not only have they nearly completed much of the Archery Range Trail along Pine Oaks Road, they have spent several Saturday’s doing prep work on the Dixon Trail that will eventually connect the lower park trails to the trail loop at the top of Cheyenne Mountain. While they’ve devoted a great deal of time to these two projects, they have also found time to work at grooming the the twenty miles of trails within the lower park.

On September 14 and 15, our local crews will join with the Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado to take a major swing at pushing up the Dixon Trail. This joint venture, sponsored by the park, the Friends of Cheyenne Mountain, and the VOC should make a significant step forward on the trail. For anyone who might be interested, go to VOC’s website( to sign up for this great volunteer opportunity.